Arboles UK – BIM / IFC Design Tools & Laboratory Specifications.
Over the past few months we’ve been building our BIM library with our product range. This includes our laboratory gas taps, laboratory water taps and certain emergency devices. Vulcathene chemical drainage will be following in the short term too!

……but what does this mean for the designers, architects and specifiers out there?

Dead simply, what it means is that you now have quick access to our products in BIM / IFC formats that you can download into your own library and use our models to populate your designs. Gone are the days of you creating your own….we’ve done it all for you including all the property fields too. All model details, contact details, dimensions and everything you need to know without you having to do the work! This is nothing but a good thing for you laboratory designers and architects! We’ve used a combination of Solidworks and Autodesk BIM Revit so not you’ve got trusted platforms behind the BIM models too. All our designs are certified to 2.1.

We’ve started off with our popular products, so the laboratory taps you’d expect to find in schools – lab water taps, lab gas taps etc.

You have two options of sourcing these BIM files. You can go to the relevant product on our site and click the ‘Download’ button on the ‘Need BIM?’ section. For example, have a look at our 900033 – 2 Way Drop Lever Gas Tap here and look for the below.

Another option for you is to use the RIBA Product Selector found here: you can then search for Arboles UK and you get this page! We currently have ten products on there, but watch this space as it will be growing! We can also provide you with product datasheets, warranty information and anything else you need for your projects or your clients. If you can’t see it – shout!

Have a look around the Riba Product Selector and our site and if you’re looking for a BIM model that you can’t find then let us know and we can create it for you!
You can contact us via our Contact page or give us a call on 0044 (0) 1204 388 814.