Laboratory Gas Taps & The NRV

Arboles UK NRV Laboratory Gas Tap
The Arboles drop lever gas tap with a non return valve fitted

NRV = Non Return Valve.

The laboratory gas tap fitted with an NRV can you save you (and your customer) time and money on maintenance costs and laboratory down time.

Want to know how? Read on!

Consider this scenario in a school laboratory environment: An inquisitive and budding young scientist decides that they want to see what happens when one connects the water tap and gas tap together using a hose and turn both taps on.

The result is nothing spectacular for the young scientist, but a MASSIVE headache for the school maintenance team as the gas supply is now flooded and will need to be purged by someone who knows what they are doing. I.e money and downtime.

Another scenario for you: A particular topic in class isn’t floating the boat of the young scientist, so their mind wanders and they start sticking a paperclip or a pen down the nozzle of the gas tap. Of course the gas tap holds, but month after month of this and it will eventually damage the seal and valve will fail. I.e repair costs.

For both of the above scenarios (which do regularly happen!) enter the Non Return Valve.

The NRV is designed to prevent the ingress of particulates especially fluids. It operates on a simple ball valve principal. The ball valve only allows a one direction flow of ‘traffic’ which is out. Fluid introduced into the tap will close the ball valve and thus saving you from having to purge the gas main. Simple, but very VERY effective and will save the school money on said maintenance and downtime.

The NRV Gas Tap comes with drop lever operation which is another safety feature in it’s own right (the teacher can quickly identify if any taps have been left in the ‘off’ position) and is available in all of the orientations of the standard drop lever laboratory gas tap. Within each nozzle also sits a small grub screw that can be wound out and cleaned in the event of something like Blu-Tak being placed in the nozzle. Couple this with the integral anti rotation pin which prevents the tap being twisted from the bench and you have a tap that can function and survive in the toughest of schools.

Bench mounted, 1 way – 900031-NRV

Arboles UK - 1 Way Bench Mounted Gas Tap NRV - 900031NG NRV

Bench mounted, 2 way – 900033-NRV

2 way bench mounted gas tap

Bench mounted, 4 way – 900034-NRV

Arboles UK - 4 Way Bench Mounted Gas Tap - 900034NG NRV

Wall mounted, 1 way – 900035-NRV

Arboles UK - 1 Way Wall Mounted Drop Lever Gas Tap NRV - 900035 NRV

Wall mounted, 2 way – 900036-NRV

Arboles UK - 2 Way Wall Mounted Drop Lever Gas Tap NRV - 900036NG

Bench mounted, 2 way (180°) – 900032-NRV

Arboles UK - 2 Way Bench Mounted 180° Drop Lever Gas Tap - 900032NG-NRV

Like all our products, the NRV gas taps come with a 5 year warranty and the coveted BSI British Gas certification.